The textile industry is extremely polluting and highly unethical these days. We want to help change this trend and encourage a more balanced and conscious lifestyle. We believe that caring for Mother Earth is a serious responsibility.
Materials harmful in the layette for your baby
Surrounding the child with great selfless love and a sense of security, we also try to select products responsibly with the greatest possible care. Unfortunately, risks may still exist.
In infants and young children, the respiratory, neurological, reproductive and immune systems are at an early stage of development. This makes them very vulnerable to toxic chemicals. The little ones spend most of their time in their crib, falling asleep under the duvet or cuddling their favorite teddy bear. During this time, they inhale chemicals and absorb toxins through their skin. That is why it is so important that they are not only clean, but also do not cause allergies or health hazards.
It is estimated that 70 million barrels of oil are used for the annual production of polyester materials. It is not biodegradable and will remain in the ecosystem in the form of microparticles.
Bedding, blankets, mattresses, clothing, soft toys and quilt fillings are usually made of cheap synthetic and artificial materials, such as polyurethane foam, polyester, silicone ball, nylon, acrylic or bamboo viscose , although the bamboo itself as a plant has good properties, which manufacturers or sellers write about, the very chemical process of processing bamboo into viscose fabric undergoes a number of dangerous processes with the use of strong irritants, which deprive the material of its beneficial properties. Its industrial cultivation is carried out in a system of monocultures, which upset the balance of neighboring ecosystems. In order to increase the cultivation area, tropical forests are cleared on a massive scale, and bamboo is obtained not only from legal plantations, but also from protected areas.
The above materials are not healthy for your baby, as many factors release toxic fumes and substances that are harmful to your baby. They can cause skin irritation and allergic reactions in the form of rash, itching, redness and inflammation, and consequently lead to severe respiratory infections. They pose a threat not only to health, but also to the natural environment, as their processing is dangerous.
Although we often encounter a situation where manufacturers recommend such products as antiallergic, e.g. polyester fillings, which can be found in almost all massively available products for babies, from pillows, mascots, mattresses to quilts, these are not the appropriate raw materials for your little one. Let's actually consider what this material is, the source of which is the most polluted industry in the world - the oil production industry. , particulates and acid gases such as hydrogen chloride, all of which can cause or worsen respiratory disease. Volatile monomers, solvents and other by-products of the manufacturing process are emitted to the waste water of the production plants. Many of these factories are producers of hazardous waste. In addition, waste water can leak into the environment and contaminate groundwater.In the polluted area, the development of flora and fauna is practically impossible and there is a lethal threat to animals. They are also not biodegradable materials, which is associated with the release of microplastics into the environment, poisoning the entire ecosystem.
Each year, 8 million tonnes of plastic waste is deposited into the seas and oceans, of which 236,000 tonnes is microplastic.
We think that we have replaced natural materials with artificial ones, which seem to be a better and cheaper alternative, but nevertheless the price we pay for "cheapness of the product" exceeds all good and generally accepted ethics. It is also very common to use people in mass production, often referred to as "cheap labor", in order to be able to produce newer, cheap and unethically manufactured products.
The environment consists of people, our generation, the entire planet Earth, that is our home. Pay attention to where the fabrics, materials, clothes and toys come from, making sure what the country of production is, where the raw materials were extracted and how they were processed. You have the right to know and you must choose consciously. Let us be guided by wisdom and choose a product that is as natural and friendly as possible to our health and the environment, in order to provide us with a safe place on Earth.
Source and recommended sites:
1. The impact of polyester on human health: http: // ...
2 How to choose a safe, non-toxic mattress for a child: 3. Toxic products in your bedroom:
4. Plastic pollution as a problem global: 5. Toxic China: Can one country poison the whole world ?: https: // menway / styl-zycia / curiosities / news-toxic-china-or-one-country-can-poison-whole-world, nId, 2318460
6. Export of plastic waste by rivers to seas: