Organic cotton

Most of the world's cotton is cotton grown with hazardous pesticides and genetically modified seeds (GMOs). Processing processes include toxic dyes and the widespread use of people in unfair and unhealthy working conditions. It is an industry that abounds in illegal child labor and has disastrous health consequences from farmer to consumer as well as the environment. The negative effects of conventional cotton cultivation and what is happening in the textile industry are no longer acceptable. Everyone involved must be treated fairly, with no child labor, no harmful substances and respect for the environment.

Maximusky - bawełna organiczna Organic cotton is cotton produced and certified according to ecological agricultural standards. Its production supports the health of soils, ecosystems and people by using natural processes, not artificial inputs. Importantly, cultivation does not allow the use of toxic chemicals and GMOs (genetically modified organisms) . Instead, it combines tradition, innovation and science to benefit a shared environment and promote a good quality of life for all involved.

  • Reduces the
  • environmental footprint

No toxic chemicals are used in the cultivation of organic cotton. It does not damage the soil, has less impact on the air, uses 88% less water and 62% less energy. Organic farming supports biodiversity by avoiding the use of toxic pesticides, thus protecting our wildlife and plant life.

  • Model for the future

By 2025, two-thirds of the world's population may face water scarcity. But organic cotton is 80% fed by rain, reducing pressure on local water sources. The absence of chemicals also means the water is cleaner and safer.

  • A fair price for sustainability

When you buy organic cotton, you are investing in your health, water protection, cleaner air, better soil and livelihoods for farmers.

  • Promotes safe work and better livelihoods

The cultivation of organic cotton ensures the safety of farmers and their families. They are not exposed to toxic chemicals in the field or through food and water supplies. It also means that farmers grow more than one crop to supplement their food and income.

  • Affects our food system

Organic cotton is grown from organic cotton seeds. Cottonseed oil is used in a variety of foods, such as cookies, crisps, and vegetable oil, and is also fed to farm animals. So while cotton fiber is not something we eat, the by-product can make its way into our diet.



  • Prevents the development of house dust mites; Although they do not die completely, their number does not increase, and it is these microscopic arachnids, feeding on human epidermis, which are a very common cause of allergic symptoms, e.g. dyspnoea, rhinitis, conjunctivitis


  • Favors the treatment of skin lesions, incl. atopic dermatitis; regular sleep in organic cotton bedding reduces inflammatory changes and improves the condition of the skin


  • Organic cotton has the ability to absorb moisture and effectively absorb its excess.It is a reliable protection against the multiplication of fungi and bacteria that live in a humid environment


  • Does not pick up static; the high potential of electric charges (especially positive ones) increases our irritability and promotes states of chronic fatigue.


Caring for the world and the people we share it with is a life choice. Choosing organic cotton is part of it. Worldwide, 26 million metric tons of cotton are produced annually, a significant part of which is intended for the garment industry. Organic cotton accounts for less than 1% of this. By choosing organic over conventional cotton, you have the purchasing power to influence brands, producers and even farmers.
